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Agency Resources


The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) Handbook has been revised by the Texas Department of Agriculture

It is strongly recommended that you access the Handbook to review the information.

  • TEFAP Handbook - Revised;Handbook.aspx

Feeding America and USDA require that all staff and volunteers who interact with program participants and handle personal information must receive Civil Rights Training.   All temporary/short-term volunteers must review the limited civil right training document and sign the Civil Rights Training Signature Log located in the Agency Resource Section on the website.  Training must be done once per year.

  • Civil rights Training

Feeding America and USDA require that at least one Agency member receive safe food-handling training.

Training must be done every two years.


  • Food Safety Training

Agency Resources Section

USDA has issued a policy memorandum in reference to food distribution at faith based and religious organizations.

If a participant object to receiving services from a food pantry based on the religious character of the organization, the food pantry must make a reasonable effort to identify and make a referral to another pantry.

Attached is a referral form for you to use in case you encounter such objections.  Attached, also, is a Written Notice of Beneficiary Rights.  This written notice must be posted in the area where you do distribution and that it is accessible for all participants to read.

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