Register Now!
All volunteers must fill out the volunteer application form.

The South Texas Food Bank provides food to thousands of families and individuals a week with the support of our volunteers.
Without our volunteers we would be unable to move thousands of pounds of donated food and product into the community to feed the needy.
We've been blessed to have community members, students, business, and agencies volunteer time to help us with the enormous task of getting the food and assistance to those who need it the most in the eight counties we serve.
In the past two years, the South Texas Food Bank has had a record number of volunteers averaging more than 75,000 hours per year!
Volunteering at the South Texas Food Bank cannot only be personally rewarding, but it can also be fun! Volunteer opportunities range from clerical to sort and distributing food to working at our many special fundraising events!
Check out the many volunteer opportunities
available at the Food Bank and choose the way
in which you would love to help the hungry in our

Volunteer Opportunities

We love to have businesses and organizations volunteer with us! Contact us to get an assigned date and time.
Please note that all volunteers need to fill out a individual volunteer application.
For more information:
Jackie Garcia, Interim-Volunteer Coordinator
E-Mail: jgarcia@southtexasfoodbank.org
Tel: (956) 726-3120 Ext. 100
Register Now to Volunteer
You can download and/or print our volunteer application and rules by clicking the links below:
Volunteers are encouraged to fill out and send signed forms to our Volunteer Coordinator.
Important Notice:
Please read and observe the Volunteer Rules at all times! The South Texas Food Bank will not be held liable for any accident or injury that might occur due to the volunteer's failure to adhere to the facility rules.
Any complaint, concern, incident or injury must be reported immediately to the Volunteer Coordinator or the Director of Operations. These reports will help the Volunteer Coordinator and/or the Director of Operations address any issue in a timely manner that ensures the volunteers safety.
The South Texas Food Bank defines a minor to be under the age of 17. Minors wishing to volunteer must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.
Good Manufacturing Practices:
All food bank volunteers must adhere to our Good Manufacturing Practices.
Please read and review before coming to facility. Failure to comply will lead to dismissal.
About Community Service Hours
Please note that The South Texas Food Bank is not obligated to keep records of volunteer hours that exceed more than two years since date of volunteer service. It is the volunteers responsibility to request and keep a copy of their service hours.
If a request for volunteer hours exceed more than two years, there will be a $15 non-refundable fee (Cash and M.O. only) as this information must be retrieved from archive. Requests need to be submitted and all fees cleared, 5 - 7 business day before day needed or pick-up date.
We appreciate your understanding and help in this matter.